Anne-Luce de Labarthe
Nutritional Therapist (DipCNM)
Being French, food has always been center stage in my life : I enjoyed cooking and eating hearty meals from an early age and was aware that food and health were interlinked.
In my late twenties, I started to be affected by constant fatigue, unexplained weight loss, digestive difficulties and pain, as well as mood swings without finding the answer (after extensive gastroenterological investigations), until I was diagnosed with multiple food intolerances after private IgG test.
A long period of remission followed where I had to exclude several foods, completely change my dietary habits, my lifestyle and those of my young children (also intolerant and sick) while still being exhausted. I felt terribly alone in this change, also living abroad at that time, I struggled identifying the right foods for me (digestible, preservatives and allergens free, not too expensive...). None of my recipes were suitable anymore. Eating became a real challenge and above all I no longer found any pleasure in it.
It took me a lot of patience, research and time to learn how to feed the all family optimally, understand how my body works, and finally feel like myself again.
The truth then struck me, although there were laboratories to diagnose this type of conditions, there were only a few practitioners to support people and families in situations similar to mine in a : global, personalised and long term approach. This truth was supported by feedbacks from friends, who were general practitioners or specialists, confirming having no time or sometimes no clues to optimise their patients' health through dietary changes.
Strengthened by this experience and passionate about the therapeutic properties of food, I chose to train to become a Nutritional Therapist with the CNM (London).

My values
I make sure throughout the process that you have all the informations on hand in order to be fully committed to your change.
Each person, each situation is different and worthy of listening and respect. I offer dietary and lifestyle modifications that you are free to accept or decline. Alternative proposals will be made to you if necessary. Being free to make one's choices seems fundamental to me in order to truly be an actor of one's own change.
I build my strategy and your personalised support on recent and validated scientific research in order to offer you the best possible recommendations.
The information exchanged with my clients is highly confidential and is not discussed outside the context of the consultation (unless authorised by them for therapeutic and/or training purposes).
"Unity is strength". I am committed to working hand in hand with the caregivers who support my clients (general practitioners, specialists, physiotherapists, etc.) to offer the most comprehensive and effective support.

Nutritional Therapy
"Let thy food be thy medicine" Hippocrates
Thanks to advances in medicine, combined with a marked improvement in hygiene in our countries, life expectancy has made major progress in recent decades. Unfortunately the diseases of civilisation have followed the same direction (obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, etc.). Our lifestyles (urbanised, sedentary, subjected to stress), intensive agriculture and the use of chemicals (depleting soils and plants of essential nutrients) and the consumption of ultra-processed foods (poor in vitamins and minerals , and loaded with additives) predispose and contribute to inflammatory states conducive to the development of these diseases as well as to diseases: autoimmune, metabolic (diabetes, cholesterol), cardiovascular and gastrointestinal.
Since the 1950s, the essential role of macronutrients and micronutrients in the prevention, treatment or co-treatment of numerous pathologies has been highlighted by numerous experimental, epidemiological and clinical studies. In 1968, Linus Pauling highlighted the orthomolecular medicine which acts at the cellular level using physiologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids, amino acids and digestive enzymes). From this wave of work was born Nutritional Therapy.
In short
In addition to nutrition and biochemistry, Nutritional Therapy relies on functional medicine. It considers the person as a whole and identifies how each of the body’s systems are interconnected and impact each other. It's a preventive and co-therapeutic approach.
In short, it is about taking care of your cells by providing them with the nutrients they need and removing what affects them, in order to optimise your health.
Its contribution for your health
Through Nutritional Therapy, I support you in optimising the following functions:
solidity of the musculoskeletal system
digestive functions, absorption, metabolism, elimination,
strengthening of anti-infectious and immune defences,
anti-inflammatory protection,
hormonal modulation, reproduction (fertility, pregnancy, childbirth),
physical growth,
stress resistance,
weight and body composition,
repair, slowing down aging, healthy longevity.
Finally, I support you in the prevention of acute (infectious, allergic, etc.) and chronic pathologies (MS, degenerative: cancers, cardiovascular diseases, etc.).